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Installation Do’s and Don’its


  • Always read installation instructions. Installation is different for each type of Arizona Shower Door Enclosure. Don't assume because you have installed other shower enclosures that the installation process will be the same.


  • Know what you are getting. Arizona Shower Door has many different Styles and configurations. (click Here for more information)


  • Follow the recommended best practices for safety. (click Here for more information)


  • Measuring your detail correctly is just as important as knowing what product you have purchased. (click Here for more information)


  • Layout your shower enclosure parts, measure the metal and glass to confirm that the correct supplies are present. Measure twice cut once. 


  • Realize that this is a shower enclosure not a fish tank. They are not water tight. Depending on shower head location and spray deflection off of surfaces any shower enclosure will leak.


  • Maintain your shower enclosure. Maintenance of a shower enclosure will decrease the possibility of mold and mildew.



  • DON’T Leave glass unattended, Even in a secure location, glass can slip, get bumped, or the wind may catch it if left outside.


  • DON’T use razor blades or heavy abrasives to clean the glass. These will scratch the finished surface.


  • DON’T Underestimate the scope of a project. Can you accomplish the finished product with the tools and knowledge that you have?


  • DON’T Use your shower enclosure as a jungle gym.


  • DON’T Use your handle or towel bar as a way to help you get in and out of your shower. They are not designed to be grab bars.


  • DON’T Use excessive force to open or close your shower enclosure.


  • DON’T Leave a miter saw plugged in while not in use. Most homes have families that have kids.


  • DON’T Over tighten screws used to secure metal to metal as the heads will snap off.


  • Eventually all glass is going to scratch or break, be careful to not hit any corners or edges of the glass, as these are the weakest parts of tempered glass.


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